Toddler Social Time & Enrichment - Seasonal!

Offered for Children ages ~2ish (walking!) to 5 (flexible!)
4 or 8 weeks (1 hour a week)

 If you would like “First to know” for session announcements please send me an email.

$85 per child/caregiver, $30 each sibling.
Add an adult here.

We are excited to chat about Summer 2024 (June - early August)!

We will do a number of things during the Summer!

  1. Water Action! It won’t just be the animals we try to keep cool! We will have different ways to play, sprinkle, and interact with water each week, dress accordingly!

  2. Animal learning time! Every week we try to focus on ONE of our animals and you can opt to learn something about them / get up and close!

  3. ART & ADVENTURE! You’re going to explore the farm, feed the animals… sometimes we’re going to make, search and match too! There will be no shortage of ways to stay busy during the hour together!
    Most weeks (weather permitting) we will feature ways to get that energy out before it gets too hot, with optional (and literal) cool down options after!

Through these fun encounters each week, we have seen so many your little ones open up and learn about themselves in social settings. Confidence grows, memories are made, and meaningful connections to nature, art and people develop! Each child can feel comfortable socializing at their own pace.

Worried your toddler won’t want to participate in the activities? No problem! Go and explore the farm for the hour instead.  We’re an easy, laid back family farm – happiness is the goal!

*Parents/caregivers are to come with their children, this is not a drop-off program.

Things to note:

  • We are a very laid-back group and understand the day-to-day variabilities that come with toddlers. Come and do our planned activities, or come and do your own thing. Whatever makes you happy!

  • Dress warm! We do have some activities in our ” coop” (outside room)  here and there, but we will be spending time outdoors most of the time.

  • Parking is available along the street, but we ask you take care & caution when loading and unloading your littles to/from the car! Please be thoughtful of neighbors, driveways, and the potential emergency vehicles that need to get through.

  • Keep an eye on your email and our social media stories - we will notify you/post the night before or no later than 8:30am (the day of) if a class is NOT happening due to weather.

  • We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule a session due to low enrollment. We will notify you of your options should this be necessary.

    Thank you!